As of now I am a retired teacher. Before I jump into my new life of reading, music making, and hanging out with my animals, I’d like to take a moment to thank my former colleagues and especially my former students, both at Mark Twain and at Venice High School, for these twenty-nine years. Fourteen years ago I joined the World Language and Global Studies Magnet at Venice High, and I still can’t believe what a piece of luck that was. In my most optimistic projections I never expected to be treated so well and so consistently by so many students. Thousands of you came into my room, some for two, even three years, and my memories are overwhelmingly positive. It was intense work at times, but most days were really fun. Fortunately, quite a few of you have become my facebook friends and I’ll be able to continue to see the interesting turns your own lives will take. Some of us go back over two decades now and it’s inspiring to see what thoughtful and principled adults you’ve become. I wish all of you great lives.